Thursday 5 January 2017

I may soon be dead: I ate fruit

While this may only be my third post, I fear it may be my last. I've done something very bad: I've eaten a satsuma.

Today's satsuma, combined with the satsuma I ate yesterday, means my days are surely numbered. Maybe my pancreas will inflate like a balloon connected to whatever it is politicians talk from; perhaps my kidneys will liquefy, flow against the pull of gravity and fall out of my eyes. Either way, a nutritionist has said I've done a bad thing.

You see, I read an article on the BBC website about this thing: 'veganuary'. There was a quote from a 'nutrition therapist', so I clicked on the link and found myself on her website. On the 'about' page, I found this piece of sage advice: "If what you are about to also known to cause you harm (eg sugar, additives, pesticides) then dont [sic] put it in your mouth".

Oh dear. Those satsumas are going to come back to haunt me. Those two sweet little orange bags of sugar. Maybe I'll be okay. They're just satsumas. They're only small. Perhaps I'll survive. I suppose it could have been worse.

If it had been a pomegranate I might not be here now.

On another note, I did today what I wasn't going to to until Saturday: I weighed myself. Far too soon for any sort of conclusion to be drawn, I know, but my wife had got on the scales and said she'd lost weight, so I thought I'd do the same.

Just for giggles.

Anyway, 12st 1lb 6oz. I'll take that. Particularly given the less than perfect start I had. However, from now on, it's Saturday mornings only, and I might even draw a graph.

Day 3

Two cups coffee with milk (ca. 50 kcal.)

Five jam doughnuts (1150 kcal.)

Satsuma (50 kcal.)

Lentil soup (200 kcal.)

Exercise summary
3x 25 press ups
3x 15 dips
Approx 30min walking

Not a bad day, really. That's about 1450 calories before any of the walking comes off. I was very close to rewarding myself with a trip to the pub. But it's baltic outside.

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