Wednesday 4 January 2017

The day in which I find the Christmas stocking

Day two, and I was fairly confident it would be better than yesterday, mostly due to the fact there wouldn't be a burger covered in blue cheese at the end of it that I hadn't anticipated.

There was, however, an unplanned piece of work cake with a work coffee during an afternoon meeting, but I sacrificed the Mini Cheddars I had planned to eat for that.

And it really was only a small bit of cake.

Nevertheless, today needed to come in safely under 2000 calories; I mean, I can't start writing all this stuff and making it public just to fail now, can I?

What would be the point of that?

Of course, I'm still coming off the back of a fortnight of excess, indulgence and leftovers. And I don't like waste.

Today's leftovers started well, with the making of a lentil soup, that took care of some spare carrots and potatoes from the roast. The day remained strong with the satsuma from my Christmas stocking. 

Then it was the chocolate coins.

So far, have stopped at two.

Day 2

Five cups coffee with milk (ca. 150 kcal.)

Five jam doughnuts (1150 kcal.)

Morsel of cake (ca. 200 kcal.)
Satsuma )50 kcal.)

Lentil soup (200 kcal.)
Bacon sandwich (250 kcal.)
Two chocolate coins (ca. 100 kcal)

Exercise summary
3 lots of 3 sets of 10 bicep curls
Approximately 20 minutes' brisk strolling.

So, I think that comes to 2100, not quite was I was going for, but, like I said, I'm still getting over my gluttony, so I'll take it.

It almost makes up for yesterday...

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