Tuesday 31 January 2017

I have a target

Previously, I have said that losing as much weight as I want can take as long as I want. I have no time limits; no deadlines.

Now I have one: Thursday the 16th of February.

That is the day I will be going swimming with my family and my wife will see me without a vest or a t-shirt on.

I want a compliment. Or at the very least a look up and down and a smile.

I'll take that.

That, really, is all I want. I want my wife to find me physically attractive. I want to be, if only just for a moment, objectified. I want to feel like more than someone who gets up to make her coffee every morning, gets the children ready for school, and looks after them every Saturday and Sunday morning so she can have a lie-in for a couple of hours.

I know my limits. It's not as if I'm going to wake up one morning and have shot up from 5'10" to over 6', but you work with what you've got.

A few years' ago, we were at the beach, I was maybe around 33, 34 or so and I looked pretty good with my shirt off. There was a girl a bit down the beach maybe early twenties, perhaps late teens, who kept looking over at me after I took my shirt off. That was nice.

But this time I'd like to notice it from the person that mattered. And I've got a little over 2 weeks to sort it out.

Day 28 - 2400 calories

Milk (100)
Ham (100)

5x double chocolate cookies (1100)
Ham (200)
Chicken sandwich (300)

Chicken breast (200)
2x protein bar (400)

75m walking
15x sets bicep curls

Day 29 - 3350 calories

Milk (100)
Toast (50)
 5x jam doughnuts (1150)

2x small chicken breast (400)

1x small chicken breast (200)
Lentil soup (350)
Toast and chocolate spread (200)
Lots of Quality Street (900) 

35 press ups
12x sets dips
60m walking

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