Sunday 22 January 2017

Lose weight with evil foods and the celebratory rebound

Two things to discuss today:

Thing the first:

Having based a large part of last week's diet on the 'list of foods I must never eat if I want to lose weight', I lost a pound. Not only that, I lost a pound after a week that started with a weekend of me eating for two.

I quite like that diet, so I'm going to do it again this week. I've enjoyed my Sugary cereals, candy bars, sugary fizzy drink, pizza, ice cream, beer and all those things.

I particularly enjoyed my high-calorie coffee drink replacement Big Mac.

Possibly the SEO click-bait article title should be renamed "The 11 foods it's actually okay to eat if you want to lose weight, just make sure you don't go overboard; eat them as part of your weekly calorie allowance".

But maybe that wouldn't be as catchy.

Thing the second:

I think having weigh-in day on Saturday may be a bit of double-edged sword.

The rationale was that I would maximise my chances of weighing in down on the previous week, as I would have had five work days leading up to it.

It's much easier to not not decide to have three beers and run to the shop for a couple of bread and butter puddings and some double cream when you're at work.

So, once again, after coming in at 11 st 10 lb 0 oz on Saturday morning, I celebrate by letting things get a little sloppy for the rest of the day, safe in the knowledge that I had another six days to recover the situation.

Now, punching the Saturday calories numbers into my daily target calorie spreadsheet, my 2300 calories a day figure now becomes 1733 for the next six days. Given that I round up in 50s, that's really 1700.

weight loss calories spreadsheet

Now that's still fine, but it does put a bit of a stop on the week before it's even started. To control the weekend, I might consider moving my weigh day to Tuesday or Wednesday.

Not this week though...

Day 19 - 5700 calories

Milk (100 kcal.)
Cereal with milk (600 kcal.)
2x slices of buttered white toast (300 kcal.)

Scrambled eggs (300 kcal.)
2x slices of toast with cream cheese and smoked salmon (800 kcal.)

Square of dark chocolate (100 kcal.)
Piece of shortbread (100 kcal.)

Chicken curry (200 kcal.)
Rice (100 kcal.)
Naan bread (800 kcal,)
Leftover beefburger (150 kcal.)
4x beers (800 kcal.)
Glass of wine (200 kcal.)
2x bread and butter puddings (800 kcal.)
Double cream (350 kcal.)

1x 25 squats
6 sets bicep curls
2x sets 24 x dumbbell raises (12 anterior, 12 lateral)
30m walking

Day 20 - 4400 calories

Milk (100 kcal.)
Scrambled eggs (300 kcal.)
Apple juice (50 kcal.)

Pasta and Bolognese sauce (550 kcal.)
Cheese on toast (150kcal.)
Bread and butter (150kcal.)

Square of dark chocolate (100 kcal.)
Chocolate coins (150 kcal.)
Cereal (600 kcal.)

2x beef burger and vegetables (650 kcal.)
Beer (500 kcal.)
Wine (300 kcal,)
3x chocolate digestive bars (450 kcal.)
2x slices white toast (300 kcal.)
Strawberries (50 kcal.)

7x sets dips
4x sets press ups
60m walking

Right, not a great weekend, but then I was in the sort of mood I wanted to blot out. Looking at the spreadsheet, I don't have as much to play with as I might have liked, but it's not over yet. If I can get a bit more walking in, I think we can save this week... Out for dinner Monday night though...

Dieting spreadsheet
Day 21 - 1800 calories

Milk (100 kcal.)

Chicken burrito (left the guacamole and the sour cream) (800 kcal.)
Half a sticky toffee pudding (450 kcal.)
Two pints beer (450 kcal.)

10 sets bicep curls
50m walk

Day 22 - 2250 calories


Milk (100)
Muffin (300)

Chicken curry (500)

Water biscuits and ham (200)
Smoked salmon (50)

Pepperoni pizza (700)
2x beers (400)

100 press ups
8x sets dips
60m walking

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