Wednesday 18 January 2017

Focus the mind - create a spreadsheet

I don't feel I've really been on my dieting A game this week. Now, that's not a big problem, I don't actually have any time frame in mind, so the occasional bad week doesn't actually matter.

I also don't know how this is all going to work out, workout-wise. Obviously, I am carrying a bit too much fat over my abdomen, and I could really do with losing a bit more of those love handles, but I don't want to fade into a wee strip o' wind, so I don't want to lose too much weight.

Also, I am doing more exercise, which, although I'm not going to the gym or following a programme designed to build major muscle, it would be nice to have a bit of lean mass growth. So how does that all work? What weight will I actually end up at?

But, certainly the weight I am right now, that's just excuses talking. I've got 3 or 4 pounds to lose first before I worry about that.

Fundamentally, after dodging the bullet last week with that abominable Tuesday, I've pushed the envelope again this week, and this one may not have as happy an ending...

I really went completely overboard last Saturday and Sunday. Monday and Tuesday came in on about what would be a usual target, however, I'd 'borrowed' some of those calories for the weekend. Now it's Wednesday, and I've got to do all the weight loss in three days.

And not just the weight loss I was planning to do, but the weight loss to make up for the weekend as well.

Now you see the dilemma.

And today's not a great day to really fast either. I've been up since the usual 5.30 this morning, it's not 10.45 pm and, with a big work thing that I need to keep on top of - in a different timezone - chances are I'll be up until 1 or 2 am tomorrow.

A large mug hot chocolate and a Snickers would be spot on.

Also, given that I'm currently on the '11 foods not to eat' diet, it's going to be pretty embarrassing if I put weight on this week. And I've got to fit in a pizza and a beer tomorrow!

What I'm going to do, I think, is set up a spreadsheet that takes my daily allowance of calories, let's call it 2000, works it out for the week, and recalculates what the daily average allowance becomes as I get through each day.

It's easy enough to do in your head, I know, but the act of over-complicating it seems to focus the mind somehow...

Spreadsheet made and calories input. Quite sobering.

Whatever happens, I'll continue that diet through next week as well. I enjoyed my ice cream on Sunday, and the Big Mac today was just as spectacular as I remember.

A tasty part of today's calorie budget.

Day 16 - 1100 calories

4 cups coffee with milk (100 kcal.)

Big Mac Sandwich (600 kcal.)

Lentil Soup (300 kcal.)
4 more cups coffee (100 kcal.)

3x 30x press ups
2x 20x dumbbell raises (10 anterior, 10 lateral)
6x 15 dips
80m walking

Day 17 - 1650 calories

4 cups coffee with milk (100 kcal.)

Ham and chicken sandwich on white bread (150 kcal.)
More ham (200 kcal.)
Lentil soup (300 kcal.)

Pizza Express pepperoni pizza (700 kcal.)
Black Sheep Ale (200 kcal.)

7x sets bicep curls
90m walking

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