Thursday 26 January 2017

The simple joy of a simple compliment

I received an unsolicited compliment about my physique today.

I can't say how nice that was, I certainly can't say when I received the last one.

What I can say, is that despite this week turning into a bit of a challenge after last weekend's hedonism, I feel good about my progress from where I started, to where I am now.

I always knew this was a long-term thing. I have no pressing deadline, so why restrict myself to a cherry tomato wrapped in a spinach leaf a day when I can enjoy things I, well, actually enjoy.

Just perhaps not quite as many of them as I have been doing on the weekends.

The last couple of days have been solid, if not spectacular, but hopefully those extra few yards I walk to and from the bus, to the shops and between school and nursery will add up to something.

According to the average tracker spreadsheet, to hit my daily average target of 2300 calories a day for the week, I'll need to eat -1350 calories tomorrow.

That can't really happen. Given that I record the calories gross, rather than net of exercise, it's not as if I can even eat nothing and walk for five hours.

However, if I eat 1200 calories, my daily average will be 2664. If you take off 300 or so a day for the exercise, that makes 2334, which might just cover it. And when you factor in the error caused by rounding up, maybe there's hope yet.

I might just have that pre-Saturday weigh-in check tomorrow morning, just to see if I can push the envelope with that left-over half pizza that's in the fridge...

Day 23 - 1500 calories

Milk (100)
Snickers (250)
Chicken breast (200)

Chicken curry with rice (500)
Cherry tomatoes (50)

Ham (200)
Chicken breast (200)

11x sets bicep curls
60m walking

Day 24 - 1800 calories

Milk (100)
Bagel (250)
Chicken breast (200)
Snickers (250)

Chicken curry with rice (500)
Water biscuits (100)
Ham (200)

Ham (200)

100 press ups
8x sets dips
70m walking

Day 25 - 1550 calories

Milk (100)
Chocolate chip cookie (300)

Ham (400)

Olives (100)
Cheese (150)
10x water biscuits (250)
2 glasses wine (250)

25 squats
90m walking

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