Friday 20 January 2017

I may not lose weight this week, and I don't care

From the time I totalled up last weekend's calories, I new it was going to be a struggle this week. And when I woke up on Wednesday and realised what I still had to do - having been somewhat not particularly focussed on getting those numbers down on Monday and Tuesday, I realised I might not get out of this week in the same way I escaped last week.

And you know what? I don't care. Last weekend was somewhat exceptional. I don't go out for lunch and have a child-free night in with beer, wine, cake and more cake every weekend.

I have no weight-loss deadline looming, it's not as if I need to lose half a stone to fit into a particular dinner jacket by next weekend.

So who gives a stuff.

This is all about long-term trends. If I'm the same weight tomorrow morning as I was last Saturday, so what? I'll not have an exceptional weekend this weekend, try and have a steady, normal week, and I'll get on the scales Saturday week and have lost a pound.

That said, I am out to the pub for dinner on Monday...

Day 18 - 1850 calories

Milk (50 kcal.)
Muffin (300 kcal.)

Water biscuits (150 kcal.)
Celery and tomatoes (50 kcal.)
Ham (200 kcal.)

4x Tunnocks Caramel Log (550 kcal.)

Chicken breast (250 kcal.)
2x glasses wine (300 kcal.)

3 sets 15 dips
2 sets 25 press ups
60m walking

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