Monday 9 January 2017

Back to the new old routine

School started back today. Back to the old routine. In some ways, I'm glad: the last traces of the festive period are gone - apart from a few stray chocolate coins - so keeping to plan should be that much easier.

What to make of today? Bit of a hectic one at work. No time to get away from my desk for a walk - even to go and buy doughnuts - but did get 5 minutes to eat my soup this afternoon while on the phone.

I will say this though, and please forgive my pride,  but that's the best lentil soup I've made in a while. Really rather tasty.

Looking in the mirror at the end of the day today, the tummy bumps are coming back - so pleased with that - but I always go a peculiar shape when I start losing weight and get to around this point. The fat goes from over my abs first, way before it goes from the area below that, which just looks weird. I actually look like I've got more of a tummy than last week, simply because I now go in and out, rather than just remaining out.

Still, it's progress, and if I can rid myself of somewhere between half a pound and pound by the time we get to the next Saturday weigh in, I'll be happy with that.

For now though, I'll keep myself happy with the thought that my BMI is  about bang on 24, my waist measurement is comfortably under half my height, and I've still got a beer and another sticky toffee pudding to get home to tomorrow.

Day 7

3x cups coffee with milk (100 kcal.)
2x slices ham (50 kcal.)

10x shortbread fingers (1000 kcal.)

2x celery sticks (not even going to bother counting those)
1x chocolate coin (let's call that 100 kcal., just to be safe)

Lentil soup (300 kcal.)

Exercise summary
3x set 15 dips
4x sets press ups (different hand positions each set)
Fairly happy with that, all being said. I make that about 1550 calories, so that covers yesterday sticky toffee overshoot. And that was always sort of the plan. Don't worry too much about the weekend, and try and have a good Monday so that those three days average out at about even, giving me 4 days out of the week to lose weight. Of course, gig with the band tomorrow, so that's usually a few beers to account for...

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