Monday 20 February 2017

The holiday diet

You want my secret to enjoying your holiday when you’re on a diet? Take a break from the diet.

You may have noticed that there was no weigh-in this Saturday. No update to the graph, not even any food diary updates. There’s a reason for that: I was on holiday. I did not want to be ‘that guy’, sitting having dinner with my family, always going for the lowest calories thing on the menu, and making everyone miserable as I agonise over dessert.

So the diet took a holiday and, really, that’s what it’s for.

Diet takes a holiday

What’s actually the point of losing weight? I’ve got myself to a healthy BMI, my waist/height ratio is even better - my waist measurement is significantly less than half my height - and, on Thursday morning at least, I had a fairly presentable set of abdominal muscles.

Now, if you saw my post about my target, all was looking good for going swimming, but as it turned out, we ended up going on Saturday rather than Thursday, but I was still presentable.

Yes, I would still like to lose another three or four pounds, but I’m actually looking okay. I like to think of a lot of the point of this diet is to give me the freedom to be able to eat and drink as much as I want on holiday or on a night out, and not have to worry about it; to have enough diet behind me to be able to put on a pound or three and still be in a window of target weight, then I can just lose it again.

The children’s leftovers

I’d actually had quite a good calories day on the Thursday. Admittedly, I’d been sat in a car for four hours, but things were going well. Then it was time for dinner. I ended up going for the under 600 calorie pizza and salad option. I wasn’t particularly aiming to stick to any sort of target for the day, but it actually sounded pretty good, and I thought, well, if I can have a good day, I might as well.

Then the children didn’t finish theirs.

A moment of “oh, should I, shall I be good?” struck me, and I told it to sod off. I was on holiday, the food was good, and I don’t like to see waste. I even had a pudding.

The next day was the same story. I had made peace with the diet holiday concept by this point, so the buffet breakfast was put to good use, followed by another pizza (and large ice cream sundae for pudding) at lunch, with a couple of beers before dinner, a large lasagne, and, having felt that the previous night’s sundae was a bit on the small side, I paid the extra £1 and upgraded my dessert option to the ‘sharing’ size.

Saturday started well, but became something of a binge-fest (I shan’t go into details, I’ll just say that multiple steamed puddings and a doner kebab were involved), and Sunday involved a takeaway and a bottle of wine.

It’s now Monday morning and, looking in the mirror, I don’t look too bad. I don’t look as good as I did on Thursday morning, but I’m pretty confident I will do by the weekend again.

And that’s what it’s about. I have lost enough weight to get into a position where I don’t have to worry about enjoying myself every so often, and that’s where I want to be. I’ll be back to the counting and rounding up today, and I’ll weigh-in again this weekend. If I’m back to where I was last weekend, hell, even a pound up on it, I’m happy with that.

I know it will be gone again by the next week.

Day 49 - 1000 calories

Milk (200)

Protein bar (200)

Protein bar (200)
Glass of wine (200)

Weetabix, raisins and milk (200)

100 press ups
70m walking

Day 50 - 1750 calories

Milk (100)
Protein bar (200)

5x Double chocolate cookies (1100)

Ham sandwich (200)

Weetabix and milk (150)

100 press ups
6x sets dips
60m walking

Day 51 - 2200 calories

Milk (150)
Protein bar (200)

5x jam doughnuts (1150)
Ham sandwich (250)

Lentil soup (300)
Weetabix and milk (150)

70m walking

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