Saturday 7 January 2017

Rounding up could mean an extra beer...

Well, today was the day of the first weigh in. I wasn't expecting a great result, especially considering the burger incident. However, I tipped the scales at a comfortable 11st, 13lb, 2oz. A loss of about 3 1/2 pounds.

I'll take that.

Now, obviously, it's not real. What I'm after is to lose fat. Given the guideline number that a pound of fat is about 3000 calories or so , to lose 3 pounds would mean that my net calories out would have had to have been 9000 less than my net calories in.

Today is Saturday, my starting day was Tuesday. I'm pretty sure that those numbers don't reflect what actually happened. So, while my diet didn't really expressly cut back on carbohydrate, the simple fact that I was eating less meant my carbohydrate intake was down.

While I hope there has been some fat burning going on, to have the scales report that sort of figure suggests that I lost a lot of glycogen and the water that goes with it. Still, I've got into a routine now, and have broken the constant eating and drinking cycle that I had going over the holidays, so that's progress.

Now, let's change tack slightly and talk about why I only eat in multiples of 50 calories. Well, of course, I don't.

I just round everything up to the nearest 50.

But why? Well, firstly, it makes the maths easier; secondly, you're perhaps protected against inaccurate nutritional value figures you found on the 'net; and thirdly, it means you've always got something in hand.

Take the calories for the beers below. Going on what I can find online, the actual number of calories contained in those three bottles is 500; I've made it 600. There are two things I can do with this fact. I can get to my daily calorie limit faster, stick to it, and lose a little more weight today. Or, I can add to that the fact that I've not accounted for my walks today and go to the pub.

Which to choose? Well, it's Saturday night, isn't it...

Eat what you want and lose weight! Just eat less of it...
Shouldn't any diet let you eat what you want to? This is a dieting dinner I can get behind...
Day 5

3 cups coffee with milk (ca. 100 kcal.)
2x poached eggs on toast (300 kcal.)

2x cups of tea (ca. 50 kcal.)
2x shortbread fingers (200 kcal.)
1x weetabix and milk (200 kcal.)

Bacon sandwich (300 kcal.)

Steak and ale pie (550 kcal.)
Boiled mixed vegetables (50 kcal.)
1x 500 ml Shipyard IPA (200 kcal.)
2x 500 ml Black Sheep Ale (400 kcal.)

Exercise summary
2x sets 25 press ups
3x sets 15 dips
45m brisk stroll pushing buggy with toddler that didn't sleep for nearly long enough in it.

2350 calories today without considering the exercise. On plan I think. If I can keep to under 2000 calories a day during the week, and under 2500 at the weekend, that works for me. Especially by the time I've rounded up the numbers. Obviously, there will be the unexpected burger days, or the band gigging days that up the beer intake, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. It's all about the trend.

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