Friday 6 January 2017

It's Friday and I fancy a beer

Well, made it to Friday night unscathed; the eve of the first proper weigh in.

Today's been a respectable day, about 1600 calories, but with a bit of an extra stroll, so I've probably walked for over an hour today. Should help to cancel out some of that indulgent breakfast I had today.

Back to the coffee only breakfast tomorrow I think.

You may also noticed I've changed my lunch from 5 doughnuts to 5 double chocolate cookies. Not only is the calorie count slightly lower, but the glycaemic load is lower as well. They are also quite sickly, which does put you off eating for a bit longer as well... Double chocolate for the triple win!

It's 9 pm, I've got the kids to sleep, put the Christmas tree back up in the attic and changed the bed. I think that justifies the pint I've fancied all day. I'll enjoy it with little regard or concern for how that changes the readout on the device of foreboding tomorrow.

Things should be alright. Thinking about the weight from yesterday, it's difficult to see there being much less than that. There's no weight I lost more than a pound in fat in a couple of days. Not with how much I've eaten against how much I've exercised.

Not a chance.

So, even though I've had a diet that's been fairly rich in carbohydrate, it's likely that nearly all of that weight loss was in glycogen and the associated water weight. Next week, it gets harder...

Day 4

3x cups coffee with milk (ca. 100 kcal.)
2x eggs, scrambled (ca. 200 kcal.)

5x double chocolate cookies (1100 kcal.)

Lentil soup (200 kcal.)

Exercise summary
3 lots 3x 10 bicep curls
2x 25 squats
Approx 70m brisk walking

I think today's been not too bad I suppose. After a good day yesterday it would have been easy to rest on my laurels and be a bit less focussed today, but I think I've about got away with it. Of course, it depends if that one pint stays as just that one pint...

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