Wednesday 11 January 2017

Damage limitation - mind over ghrelin

As you might have thought if you read yesterday's post, today is damage limitation day. If I wanted to salvage anything from this week, today had to be a special one.

It wasn't the complete fast I thought I might go for, but it wasn't too bad. Even if the dreaded evil that is the satsuma appeared again.

Today is a start, but it's going to take a string Thursday and Friday to back it up if I want to lose even an ounce or two when I get the Saturday morning result.

Let's raise a glass to willpower.

Day 9

No meals as such today, just a bit of grazing:
4x cups coffee (150 kcal.)
1x packet mini Cheddars (150 kcal.)
1x satsuma (50 kcal.)
4x cups tea (150 kcal.)

Exercise summary
Approx 45m walking

About 500 calories, although I had toyed with the idea of a complete fast today, it just didn't happen. If I can keep the text two days to below a total of 2500 or so, we might get away with it...

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