Wednesday 19 April 2017

Back to life, back to reality

If you look at the last few points on the graph, you'll see a story. This is the story of my work and social life.

As I have little in the way of social life, it's basically my work life, which over the past couple of weeks, has involved way above my average number of nights out during the working week.

If you've seen any representative weeks of my food diary, you'll perhaps know that I'm big on the weekend binging. My Saturday and Sunday food and drink binges are my release; a 500 calorie a day (or more) celebration of all that is tasty and indulgent, washed down with some of the (relatively cheap, but still good) finest New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs that Tesco can offer for under £6.50 a bottle. Generally Wairau Cove.

Although, that said, I've been enjoying Lidl's £5.49 Gavi recently...

So, with the weekend being based around enjoying the sweet rewards of as many calories as I can afford, the working week is where I do my dieting and lose my weight, ready to start the next weekend a pound or two lighter than the last one and do it all over again.

Of course, if you then end up eating and drinking out on those weekdays as well, it's game over.

All work and no play...

And so, I have to report - you can see it on the graph - two consecutive Saturdays of putting on weight. And a good few pounds at that.

The most recent Saturday wasn't helped by the fact that I had a gig with the band on the Friday night. I'd been pretty good with the diet on the Friday, and had enough calories left for four pints to come in under 2500.

In the end, I had five. And a kebab on the way back to the night bus.

Then a couple of glasses of wine and four slices of cheese on toast when I got home.

And a couple of Jaffa Cake bars.

It was perhaps not surprising that I was a bit heavier than I had been the previous Saturday. Of course, as I got home at about 1.30 am, a lot of that food was still inside me by the time I stepped on the scales, so the 11 stone 11 pounds figure was perhaps not representative.

After the usual weekend binge though, Monday's weigh in of 11 stone 12 pounds possible was.

I'm trying (when I remember) to record a mid-week weight these days as well; Tuesday or Wednesday. Today's figure: 11 stone 10 pounds. I will take that. There was a meeting after work yesterday, but I left before the pizza made it out of the box.

I feel this week needs to be a good week. It would be nice to weigh in on Saturday at 11 st 9 lbs or a bit lower. I was 11,10 this morning, so I'm on track, but I am out - for dinner - after work on Thursday, so focus needs to be maintained.

As long as I don't do anything stupid this week, I should be fine. I'm back on the bag of doughnuts or cookies for lunch, and everything seems to be working.

Bring on Saturday morning...

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